23 Weeks

How far along? 23 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Total gain of about 10 pounds so far. 
Maternity clothes? I recently found some great T-shirt bargains at Target. They weren’t maternity shirts (except for the one I’m wearing here) but they were 2.50$. I bought a couple sizes up and hopefully they’ll last long enough for my growing belly. 
I’ve been wearing maternity jeans, but the one thing that really bugs me about them is they get so baggy so quickly! They look great when I first put them on, but then five minutes later the legs and but are all lumpy and frumpy. I wore regular jeans with a belly band yesterday and I felt much more put together. They weren’t as comfortable for a long period of time, but for running a few errands it did the trick! 

Stretch marks? None yet. I think I’m gaining weight so slowly that my belly really hasn’t had to stretch super duper quickly yet so I’ve been able to avoid stretch marks this far. We’ll see what happens in the next few weeks as they want me to start gaining a pound a week!
Sleep: I officially kicked kyle out of the bed! I need two body pillows to comfortably sleep and I can no longer roll from side to side without looking like a beached whale. Normally I roll in place from side to side, but now with a big round belly (that just keeps getting bigger!) my rolls have turned into flops. I am now flopping from one side to the other, and it takes up about 3/4 of the bed to do so. 

Best moment this week: Visiting with my mom and sister. My mom felt the baby kick, but my little miss went stone cold every time my sister tried to feel! I also got my Picc line out on Monday and took a shower without my arm being in a bag. First “bag-less” shower in almost 3 weeks! Miss Anything? I’m really missing gymnastics. I’m also missing warm weather- it was in the 60’s this weekend and sunny! Such a tease because now it’s snowing. 

Movement: This girl is going to be a gymnast just like her mama! She kicks, flips, and rolls all night long! She also continues to jam out to music. 
Food Cravings:I swear I’m continually craving Dr. Pepper. Last week it was a rootbeer float. 

Anything making you queasy or sick?  Yes. Unfortunately one of the reasons I missed last week’s post is due to one of my IV meds making me sick! I started running fevers again along with having the shakes and chills. It also thoroughly messed up my digestive tract and I was having stomach aches after every meal. Those symptoms plus having a picc line that was really sluggish landed me in the ER (and then Labor and Delivery since the ER refuses to see patients over 16 weeks pregnant…). It was quite the ordeal since L&D doesn’t ever deal with picc lines, and at the time we thought it was infected. After a few confusing hours of “where the heck am I suppose to go?” I ended up staying in L&D and getting all the tests for Picc done and being sent home. I was feeling better so we extended the hold on my IV’s and I’ve been off them since. We now know that I shouldn’t use one of the drugs I was on since I was most likely having a reaction to it.

On a diffferent note, while sitting in our L&D triage room we could hear the woman laboring next door to us. Kyle turns to me with wide terror eyes and let’s me know that if I’m going to be screaming things like she is, (“I can’t do it, it hurts too much, ow, etc.) he may pass out… as a heads up.  Bahaha. I’m sure he’s not the first husband to pass out, and I’m sure if he does, he won’t be the last. 

Gender: Baby girl! We’ve bought some cute dresses and girly things while shopping with Auntie and Grandma this past weekend!! So darn cute. However, I would like to point out that we also have picked up a few items from the boys section because girls can wear little monster hoodies too… 

Labor signs: None! With all the stomach pain and cramping from the IV drug, I was worried it would lead to some early contractions. Luckily that was not the case.

Belly button in or out? It’s in it’s weird flat as a pancake stage. It’s starting to look a little bulgy again so I’m sure it’s going to be flipping out any week now. I’m just throwing this out there, belly buttons are weird. They’re weird to begin with and then during pregnancy? Oh forget it, I don’t think it’ll ever get weirder than this. 

Happy or moody most of the time? I’ve been feeling pretty good this past week. Lots of laughing. In fact, I may have peed my pants a little last night laughing so hard at the dinner table. (IT BEGINS! DUN DUN DUN) I also laughed myself to the point of crying while we were at the hospital during the whole ER/L&D debacle. When you feel better, you’re happier. When you’re happier you laugh more. Let’s hope I continue to laugh all the way to June! 

Looking forward to:  Our glider came in! I can’t wait to pick it up and assemble it. We’re also having Kyle’s parents down this week and I’m looking forward to their visit. Next week we’re sseeing his sister since she’s down for work, and after that my Dad is visiting! My birthday is thrown in there somewhere too. Lot’s of fun and exciting things happening and I’m so thankful that I’m actually feeling great and will be able to enjoy all our visits. 

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21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: At my appointment yesterday I weighed in at 123.7! Take about 1.5lbs for my jeans and heavy shirt, and we’re looking at 122. Up from last week’s 119.5 –I’m feeling much more relieved knowing I’m starting to gain some weight again. 
Maternity clothes? Since having another stay at the hospital hotel, my week consisted of PJ pants and Kyle’s Tee’s. Now that I’m home I’m enjoying wearing some normal human clothes for when I go out. The top in these pictures is a maternity shirt I hope to be able to wear for the remaining 19 weeks! 
Stretch marks? None so far, but oh the belly button! 
Sleep: This past hospital stay I demanded that no-one wake me up for vitals every 4 hours. Since I was just in for the flu (where they did indeed, wake me up every 3-4 hours) they agreed my sleep was more important. It went pretty well, except for one CNA who didn’t get the memo. Now that I’m home I’m sleeping much more comfortably in my big bed! I’ve temporarily kicked Kyle to the office couch so he doesn’t accidentally punch my Picc arm while we sleep, or get tangled in my IV tubes. 
Best moment this week: So many nice moments this week. I’d say it’s a three way tie between going home, gaining some weight, and sorting through little girl hand-me-downs! 

Hard to believe the person that I’m growing will FIT into this onesie at some point.

Miss Anything? Getting out of bed without feeling like an oompa loompa. Who knew I’d have to be ‘rolling’ out so soon. 
Movement: Baby Girl is still quite the wiggler. She still is in her favorite position; curled up with her hands over her face (as seen on a quick ultrasound yesterday). Her head is still on my left side, with her bum, knees and feet on my right. 
Food Cravings:While I have no specific cravings, I am finding myself actually feeling hungry again! Food is much easier to eat when you actually feel hungry vs. just forcing yourself to eat  because it’s been x amount of time since you last ate. 
Anything making you queasy or sick? I usually drink all my beverages through reusable straws. I decided to forgo the straw yesterday morning for breakfast, and ended up getting sick after being able to ‘smell the milk’ in my cup. Um? Totally out of the blue, totally weird. I went back to using straws. 
Belly button in or out? Oh my little belly button. It’s no longer half in and half out, it’s at this flat pancake stage. You can obviously see that it’s still a belly button, but it’s pretty flush with the rest of the belly. I’d take a picture of it for you but then you’d stop reading my blog. 
Happy or moody most of the time? I’d say around day 4 in the hospital I started feeling SO much better. When you feel better you’re just plain happier. Good moods followed for the rest of the week! Here’s to many more weeks of feeling better and being happy!
Looking forward to:  1. Picking up the Glider soon!
                            2. Family coming down to visit.

                            3. Finalizing paint colors and getting the room painted. 

My IV pump bag has become my temporary baby. I have to lug this thing EVERYWHERE. 

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Oliver’s Favorite Room

Poor Oliver; his favorite room has been overthrown by boxes of baby girl clothing! 

21 week post will be up tomorrow. Today was spent traveling to appointments (baby is doing great! I’m feeling better after another stay in the hospital), administering home IV’s, and sorting through some baby-girl hand-me-downs.

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Baby Overdeep is a Girl!

 How far along? 20 Weeks! Half-way done.

Total weight gain/loss: Still holding out at 120ish. I’m supposed to start gaining a pound a week from this point out. We’ll see how that goes, but so far I’m doubtful that I’ll be able to pull it off. 
Maternity clothes? Rocking my mix of maternity jeans, stretchy shirts, and some maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: Sleep has gotten better. I didn’t get much in the hospital, but ever since I’ve been home I’ve been sleeping soundly. With the exception of last night; I was too excited for the finalizing of the gender this morning. 
Best moment this week: Finding out that we are officially having a baby girl! She’s growing really well, and everything looks great so far. 
Miss Anything? I miss being able to bend over without thinking about it. I’m starting to get uncomfortable when I’m putting on my lace-up winter boots.  
Movement: This girly is already practicing her soccer skills. I feel kicks and punches all day long! She jams out when I’m listening to upbeat music, or when I’m playing the piano & singing. She tends to roll around a lot at night! There have been some instances where she hunkers down in one spot, usually to one side or the other, and it can get quite uncomfortable. But, I love it and wouldn’t trade it for the world! Especially when we’re out and about, little nugget will start kicking away and I feel like it’s a secret since I’m the only one who knows! 

Food Cravings:  I had a craving for Chicken Korma yesterday, so I ordered chicken korma. haha.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Feeling pretty good now that I’m over the flu!
Yup, it’s a girl.

Gender: Baby Overdeep is a GIRL!

Labor signs: None
Belly button in or out? It”s threatening to flip out any time now.  
Happy or moody most of the time? Well, all in all pretty happy. I survived the flu with minimal side effects, had a short hospital stay, found out we’re having a girl, and get to go back to napping! I’d say overall this week has been happy! 
Looking forward to: Painting the nursery walls so we can order the crib! We already ordered the glider so it will be here in a few weeks!!

“Thumbs up for things going swimmingly”
Baby at the ultrasound today was giving us “thumbs up” for everything going “swimmingly”. <Bad pun created by Kyle> She was so cozy in her spot I have to go back next week for another scan! She was so content that she didn’t move enough for a spinal measurement. Little girl was positioned so that her back was towards my back/ribs. Her bottom was towards my right hip. Since her spine was tucked to the back the technician couldn’t manipulate the image enough to get a measurement. Little troublemaker was kicking the wand away but refused to roll over. She also kept her hands by her face almost the whole time. Hopefully next week she’ll be a bit more cooperative.
Oliver wanted to be in the pictures too! The first picture cracks me up, that face! 

I’m not sure Oliver ‘gets’ that I’m pregnant. I think once the baby is here it will be his baby. Fun fact: Pit bulls were originally bred to be ‘nanny dogs’ which is where their territorial instinct comes into play. They were protecting their babies! People then used to them as guard dogs and they got a bad rap. Oliver is the sweetest pumpkin with our neighborhood kids. I can’t wait to see him with the nugget. Like I said, I have a feeling he’s going to think it’s his baby.
Baby during first trimester scan. 

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Mood Board

Progress in the nursery is still ongoing. We’ve managed to sell one desk and the coordinating chair making the room much more empty than before. Holes in the walls have been patched, and caulking of trim has begun! It won’t be long until we’re putting up a fresh coat(s) of paint. It’s this progress that had me thinking that I should develop a more concrete plan for this room. As the weeks go by it’ll be nice to have a ‘cheat sheet’ for reference. Without further ado a very simplistic version of Baby Overdeep’s Nursery.

I still am loving the idea of soft taupes, creams, and tans with a deep dark aubergine wall. We found a glider that isn’t offensive to look at <yea, I’m looking at you, you wooden gliders!> that won’t break the bank. The taupe weaved fabric will do well against everyday wear and tear, and the white piping adds a little contrast. We won’t be purchasing the matching ottoman seeing as the room is pretty tiny and the ottoman isn’t, in my book, a necessity.

We’ll most likely being going with a plain white crib. While we liked the look of a deep cherry colored crib, we’re bringing a medium walnut toned dresser into the room and I didn’t want crib and dresser to compete. The brown square of color represents the walnut color of the dresser. It’s a little less red in real life. The hardware on the dresser is a brushed gold, very similar to the honeycomb table.

I’d like to bring in a small table to have next to the glider. I’ve been eyeing the new Threshold line at Target (Target is my weakness people) and they have this fantastic metal honeycomb table that practically jumps into my cart each time we’re there. While it may not be the most practical table out there, it sure is easy on the eyes. I may or may not drool while I peruse the aisle of Target; please tell me I’m not the only one who is obsessed with their Threshold line  the whole damn store?

On the same note, I’d love to bring in a soft table lamp so we’re not dependent upon the bright overhead light. There are plenty of options, but since it seems I’m obsessed with honeycombs,hexagons, and all things shiny I threw a Target Threshold lamp on the board as well. Weakness people, it’s a weakness.

I’d like to add some storage, whether it’s soft canvas bins or woven baskets to add texture, I think we’ll need the extra storage space. The closet is pretty limited in size, and it doesn’t help that we store out of season jackets (and in my case, dresses!) on one half of the closet. We’ll definitely be able to fit everything we need in terms of clothing into the closet- thanks to the organizer I built! Extras such as blankets, toys and cloth diapers will be housed in the dresser and any other storage we bring in.

The accent colors are still undecided. I’m really holding off until my anatomy scan tomorrow. I really am digging the deep orangey/coral and greens though more so than the light sea-glass colors. I’m really open to suggestions about accent colors! =)

Well there you have it folks.

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