9 Months

Dear Emerson,

My goodness my little love bug! Where is the time going? Days are getting longer; light lingers around teasing us with sun-laden days but chilly winds. We celebrate your 9 months by ringing in Spring, and hopefully the remainder of March will be kind to us.

Emerson, each month I say how much my love has grown for you and this truth holds steady this month, perhaps even more so. Where I thought it impossible, you have proven yet again, that my heart is capable of so-much-love. Each day I think to myself, “Self, I could not love this girl anymore than I already do,” and  yet, some how you defy all odds and every morning I find myself falling more in love with you.

You’ve become so quirky this last month. Being mobile suits you well. People comment on just how busy you’ve become! You delight in pulling out every single piece of laundry from the baskets and tossing them aside. Every now and then you’ll flip head first straight into the basket reaching for the last sock… it’s just a little further…and boop! In you go.

You rocked getting your first two teeth, and while we certainly miss your gummy grin, we are head over heels crazy in love with your little toothy grin. You’re laughing and smiling so much these days! And so, to balance this, you’ve also been experimenting with how to show your displeasure when I don’t let you do something. You stomp your little feet and smack your little hands together. Usually, this tantrum is paired with a quick whine and then we’re onto something else.

Food has been a source of wonderment for you this month. You just love to eat. Some of your favorite foods are peas, avocado, toast with cream cheese/peanut butter, and oranges. You’re not signing yet, but we still consistently use signs for “more,” “water,” and “all done.” I still sign other things, just not quite as frequently.

You’re taller, stronger, and your hair is getting so long headbands and clips are now necessities. You’ve been a rockstar napper lately and you still sleep through the nights. You took 3 steps all by yourself and you love to look outside.

Oh my little love, you are a wonder to behold. Thank you for such a fantastic month.


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This morning we’ll all packed up and went to our first Storytime at the local library. It was pretty early at 9:30am… well, early for us as Emerson doesn’t like to wake up until between 8-9. We just barely made it on time.

She needed a few minutes to warm up to the idea, but by the time the music and books were read and toys appeared she was no longer shy. She crawled around trying out every toy, building up her immunites by sticking said toys straight into her mouth. She tried to unvelcro a little boy’s shoe, to which he retaliated by promptly smacking Emmie upon her noggin with a toy. She looked at Kyle and smiled. Silly girl.

Happy Wednesday from this toothy, grinning, fool!

A photo posted by @bethoverdeep on

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Those are some mighty cute chins you’ve got…

Emerson and I recently FaceTimed with Auntie Julie, who informed me, in the nicest way possible that the picture I am putting up of Emerson aren’t cute… 
“Auntie said what?!”

I laughed out loud because I knew exactly what she was talking about. It’s getting harder and harder to get a decent picture of this girl. Sometimes with an 8 month old who’d rather be licking the camera than smiling for it, you settle for the not so flattering pictures. “Sure, she’s showing off her 8 chins here, but they’re 8 cute chins… so publish!” I fear in this stage, this moving, crawling, bawling, falling over, teething, grumpy stage… cute pictures are going to be a rarity. No matter how flattering the angle, my baby is still always cute. Grump face and all!

Hopefully these pictures are more to your liking, Auntie Julie. 😉 
And one more for good measure:

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