Beach Baby

With our upcoming move to Florida, and the rapidly rising temperatures, I’ve been on the lookout for the cutest one-piece swimsuits and rashguard sets for Emerson. There’s something so classic and adorable about a toddler in a one-piece swimsuit.  While Emerson’s one-piece swimsuits gets lots of use in our kiddie pool, if we’re headed to the beach/river and I know we’ll be exposed to the sun for extended periods of time, I much prefer to have the safety of the long sleeved rashguard.

For your convenience I’ve rounded up 7 of the cutest one-piece toddler swimwear and 6 of the most adorable toddler rash-guard sets. How cute is that ice-cream one-piece from Tucker & Tate? And see that minty striped rash guard set? I picked that one up from Target for Emmie already! We’re comin’ for you Florida, and you better believe we’ll be decked out in the cutest swimwear.
Toddler One Piece Swimsuits

Beach Baby Toddler Rash-Guard Round Up

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Blowing Bubbles // Enjoying Our Weekend Outside

We’ve been seizing every opportunity to get outside and enjoy the wonderful spring weather. Our toddler activities lately have included blowing lots of bubbles, spilling a lot of bubble mix, going for wagon rides with neighbors, eating ice cream sandwiches & home made popsicles and picking dandelions for a toddler-styled bouquet. 
Even Oliver joined in on the activities. He loves chomping bubbles and he’s never one to turn down a moment of sunbathing. Days like these where we sit and feel the sun our faces and the warm breeze tussling our hair make me excited for what Florida will hold for us. What will Emerson’s childhood look like where we’ll be able to head outdoors to play year-round? I can’t say I know what her childhood will look like down in Florida, but I’m excited to find out! 

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Sink Bath

Lately at night, after Emerson relentlessly calls my name through her door, I lie next to her and whisper stories of when she was a little baby. “When you were little, just born really, I would wrap your naked little body up in my bathrobe and you’d sleep right against my chest listening to my heart beat.” Emerson watches me intensely when I tell her these stories, studying my face in the soft glow of the nightlight.  And after I finish each one, she nods “yes” as if to confirm, that she did indeed listen to my heart. 
After playing yesterday in the flower box, covered in dirt with two scrapped knees I found myself entertaining the idea of washing Emerson off in the sink. I asked her, “Emma-Claire? Would you like to take a bath in the sink, just like you used to as a baby?” She nodded yes, with her eyes wide. “Do you think you’ll still fit in the sink? You’re awfully big now…” To this, her wide eyed bewilderment changed to a solid, confident yes, in the form of a nod of course. And so the sink was filled up and she played quietly as the afternoon light streamed in the kitchen window.  While Emerson may be running out of room in my kitchen sink, but she’ll always be my baby snuggled close to my heart. 

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A Warm Weekend

This weekend did not disappoint. The sun was bright, the sky was blue, and our hearts were full. We spent the majority of our time outdoors. We visited Hopkin’s Spring Fair where Emerson fearlessly fed sheep, goats, and a bull!We went on the first hike of the season, ate ice cream, and continued our spring cleaning while warm breezes flowed through open windows. Yes, this weekend was just what we needed to recharge for the upcoming week. 

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Fruit Infused Water: Our Latest Obsession

Having Cystic Fibrosis it’s extra important for me to stay hydrated, especially now that we’re seeing those warmer temps. This doesn’t bode with the fact that I loathe drinking water, something I inherited from my dear mother. Enter fruit infused water.  Fruit infused water is perfect for non-water-lovers like myself. It adds just enough flavor and interest that drinking water is way more manageable. Plus the combinations are endless. Here are just a handful of my favorites:

Making fruit infused water couldn’t be any easier! You just slice up your favorite fruits, throw them in a glass or a pitcher, add some water (and maybe some herbs!) and let it soak. The longer you let it sit, the more intense the flavor will be. Even my husband was surprised at how flavorful the infused water was. For an extra kick I’ll even use seltzer water. Nothing says summer like fresh fruit and bubbly drinks.

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Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone! May your day be short and your coffee strong! I trust that you all enjoyed your weekend. Our weekend included tacos & Dos Equis, a quick trip to the mall, cursing over the fact that it snowed Saturday night, snipping some fresh tulips from the garden, spring cleaning, and puppy naps in fuzzy blankets. It also included a few tears since being a toddler is hard work. 

Also, I can’t figure out for the life of me why my husband can’t figure out how to efficiently load the dishwasher. I mean, the guy has a PhD in Engineering for cryin’ out loud, you’d think he’d realize this is not the most efficient way to load the dishes. It’s because of the first picture that we have the agreement in which I load the dishes and he unloads them. It makes me chuckle every time I am greeted with the scene below. 

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Mid-Week Hustle

Someone woke up in an especially silly mood today. These blurry pictures capture her personality perfectly. Jumping, moving, laughing, smiling… it was a good thing we had gymnastic class today! Emerson managed to get some of all her pent up energy out. It was such a relief to have her running & jumping this morning, especially since we’ve been forced back inside due to all these chilly temperatures!

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At the Beach: Toddler Style

At the Beach: Toddler Style
one two three four five

This past weekend we experienced chillier temperatures again. It has me longing for the warmth of summer and spending time lounging around the baby pool. This summer we’ll be much closer to the beach and I’ve been daydreaming about all the cute little things Emerson can be decked out in.

I am loving this mini pom-pom trend lately. I think it’s an incredibly fun touch to add to children’s clothing.  This cover up incorporates this mini pom-pom spring/summer trend.

Unless we’re talking rash guards, I’m not a huge fan of two-piece baby or toddler swim suits. I love how classic and how scrumptiously cute a one-piece looks on little ones.

Everyone needs a good floppy hat in their lives, toddlers and babies included. A wide brim does wonders for keeping the sun off of faces and necks while wading and playing.

Sunglasses are another must. Coming from a family with bad eyesight I want to protect my daughter’s eyes as much as I possibly can! Plus, I mean, c’mon… how friggin’ cute would she be in these dramatic frames?!

Another must? A nice sandal without a bunch of holes for sand to get stuck in. Something easy on and easy off. I think these gold sandals fit the bill. They are super affordable & can easily be paired with just about anything.

Now all I need is a beach. 

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When Time Slips By

It was apparently one of those weeks. The days blurred into one another and Emerson probably grew taller before my eyes. Maybe her words were a little more pronounced, her actions a little more decisive, her hair a little longer, her need for me to be so close a little less. And yet all of these things were just so infinitesimally small that just like the second to each minute, they pass us by. They passed me by. But every now and then you catch a moment in time, just as it’s about to pass you by where you realize she couldn’t do that yesterday, and you stop and appreciate it all. You soak it in, breathe it in deeply, for you never know what moments in time will be the ones that slip by you… moments simply forgotten in the blur of daily living. 

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