At 4 months you:
|| roll back to belly and belly to back ||
|| started sucking your thumb ||
|| really hate it when anyone besides Momma holds you ||
|| are a terrible napper and only nap about 30-40 minutes max ||
|| are starting to transition to sleeping in a crib ||
|| will sometimes take a bottle, but it takes a lot of coercing ||
|| love to smile, especially when you wake up in the morning ||
|| love playing on your play-mat, especially with the purple horse toy ||
|| love watching your big sister — especially if she’s dancing or shaking a toy for you ||
You had your first real laugh this month as well. We were outside, Emmie and Daddy on the trampoline, and I was holding you while making Oliver do his tricks. When we got to “turn around,” you busted out your first real belly laugh. I, of course, made Oliver repeat “turn around” about 6 times just to hear your magical baby laugh. And on the complete opposite end of the spectrum, anytime you’re really unhappy you will let everyone know because, girlfriend, your cry is loud! Thank goodness you’re generally a happy baby. Emmie usually covers her ears and says, “Mom, Vera is too loud!” when you cry in the car.
Overall, you’re the perfect addition to our family and I can’t wait to watch you grow.
1 Comment
Wow what an excellent picture of Vera a 4 months. 🙂