Weekend Recap

Happy Monday everyone! May your day be short and your coffee strong! I trust that you all enjoyed your weekend. Our weekend included tacos & Dos Equis, a quick trip to the mall, cursing over the fact that it snowed Saturday night, snipping some fresh tulips from the garden, spring cleaning, and puppy naps in fuzzy blankets. It also included a few tears since being a toddler is hard work. 

Also, I can’t figure out for the life of me why my husband can’t figure out how to efficiently load the dishwasher. I mean, the guy has a PhD in Engineering for cryin’ out loud, you’d think he’d realize this is not the most efficient way to load the dishes. It’s because of the first picture that we have the agreement in which I load the dishes and he unloads them. It makes me chuckle every time I am greeted with the scene below. 

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Mid-Week Hustle

Someone woke up in an especially silly mood today. These blurry pictures capture her personality perfectly. Jumping, moving, laughing, smiling… it was a good thing we had gymnastic class today! Emerson managed to get some of all her pent up energy out. It was such a relief to have her running & jumping this morning, especially since we’ve been forced back inside due to all these chilly temperatures!

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Easter & Weekend Wrap Up

Have you ever had one of those moments where after it’s over you feel like you’ve just been enveloped in a warm hug? Well, our weekend was like one freakin’ humongous bear hug. We had my in-laws come down where we splurged on nice food, dressed up in fancy dresses, had an easter egg hunt, enjoyed a day full of sunshine, and three days of pure love. Weekend like these fuel you up and come Monday you’re ready to tackle it all. Your soul is happy, your spirit elated and life is peaceful. Thanks for such a wonderful visit Grandma & Grandpa O! We love you. 

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Weekend & Sunshine

Oh what a weekend it was. We had sunshine and warmer weather. Hallelujah.

Sunday we packed up and went to Kinder Farm Park, where Hubster did some blacksmithing, and Emmie and I wandered between petting goats, soaking up sun, having snacks and running around a huge playground. Side note, you know you’re experiencing a parenting win when the statement ,”Do you want me to hold your carrot so you can go play?” is answered with a clear, “NO.” The carrot was eaten in its entirety before playing ensued. #parentingwin

Emerson even got to feed a goat, and she was in heaven. She would have gathered grass all day for that goat if I let her. She would pull up handfuls of grass and squat in front of the goat and present her offerings. Speaking of goats, she even got to hug a baby goat! Talk about cuteness overload. Everyone was so paralyzed by the cuteness (there was even a collective parent “awww”) that no pictures were taken.

Other weekend activities included, reading library books, playing games with friends, drinking lots of wine, and ending with some spring breezes floating through open windows. I hope your weekend was equally wonderful!

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Donuts and Flowers

Once upon a time I stumbled upon this huge local group of Moms on Facebook. I joined it. I liked it. A lot. There’s ton of advice, tons of support, and it’s a great time waster on lonely days. Anyway, there’s a big section within this group of “my husband is the worst” vents. You know like, “My husband took 2 naps today, watched a football game, and then “watched” the baby when she took her nap… I got to do a mountain of laundry, dishes and housework in between nursing and calming a fussy baby…. and he complains I’m so grumpy all the time. Ugh! Husbands. ” ….and things like that.

When I read these I feel smug. I get this smug little smirk and I get to think, “well, that sounds like it sucks.” And then my heart feels so full of gratitude and I feel unworthy. This is because my husband rocks. I’ve known him for quite some time (almost half of our lives at this point) and he just continues to amaze me.

I mean, for instance, last night I mentioned I could really use a donut. I’m not pregnant or anything, I just really wanted a donut. So, my guy puts on his shoes, drove to the store and brought me home some donuts… and then hands me a bouquet of flowers. Say what? A gooey sweet pastry treat and a bouquet of flowers? Where did I find him?! He’s the best.

It’s doing little things like that for each other that really help keep our relationship alive. You need small reminders how important you are to your significant other, and they need reminders from you too. It’s all too easy to feel unappreciated and taken for granted. You can say “thanks for doing the laundry,” till you’re blue in the face but giving me an appreciation donut for no reason totally takes the cake.

If you have someone in your life who would drive to get you a donut on a random Tuesday night, make sure you tell them how much they mean to you. It’s nice to hear and it’s nice to say.

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The Best Time of The Year

These short days are driving me crazy already! They just keep getting shorter and shorter. By the time Emmie wakes up from her nap, the sun is setting. It’s getting too cold to comfortably play outside longer than 20 minutes or so, and the dog is starting to hog the most powerful heating vent.
We’re getting stir crazy over here! The best way to combat house claustrophobia is by having ALL THE HOLIDAYS throw up in your house. No, seriously, I want my olfactory senses drowning in cinnamon, pine, and all of the candles. I want to damage my eyes by covering every square inch of free space in twinkly lights and I want Alexa to never stop singing me beautiful Christmas songs about a guy I don’t really believe in…. 
But before all that happens I needed to survive cooking an almost 20 lb turkey and mashing close to 10lbs of potatoes. And you know what? I survived! And quite gracefully, I might add.

My house was filled with wine, family and giggles. I wouldn’t have traded it for the world. Emerson was spoiled rotten with early Christmas presents, hugs & snuggles and lots of playing with Aunts, Uncles and Grandparents.  I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love. 

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