Meeting Great Grandparents

While the girls and I were in Rhode Island we made sure to introduce Vera to her great grandparents. She met both my mother’s father and my mother-in-law’s parents. While Vera may be too young to remember meeting them the pictures we have will be able to spark a conversation about these wonderful people when the girls are older. Kyle’s grandmother in particular would just light up when the girls were around. You could visibly see her love of children. What was most amazing was the sense of lucidity she regained the longer she spent time with Vera. Initially she would ask “How old is she?” again and again due to forgetting, a common symptom of age & dementia. But, as time went on, the repetitive questions ceased and she just drank in the innocence of Vera & Emerson. It is absolutely astonishing how children keep the mind agile. I can’t wait until the girls are a bit older to truly understand how special it was to meet their great-grandparents.

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Destin Vacation

Last weekend we welcomed my in-laws down for an amazing vacation. We spent a good majority of the time playing in the water, either jumping the waves of the Gulf or splashing in the resort’s amazing pool. Emmie was spoiled with attention, ice cream and lot’s of snuggles. There’s nothing like a weekend with family to fill your heart with love, gratitude and relaxation.

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Easter & Weekend Wrap Up

Have you ever had one of those moments where after it’s over you feel like you’ve just been enveloped in a warm hug? Well, our weekend was like one freakin’ humongous bear hug. We had my in-laws come down where we splurged on nice food, dressed up in fancy dresses, had an easter egg hunt, enjoyed a day full of sunshine, and three days of pure love. Weekend like these fuel you up and come Monday you’re ready to tackle it all. Your soul is happy, your spirit elated and life is peaceful. Thanks for such a wonderful visit Grandma & Grandpa O! We love you. 

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