Date Night at Home: Building Ginger Bread Houses

Having date night at home hasn't been easier. A fun, easy way to date your spouse without leaving the house! A festive Christmas time date at home.

Parenting two children is a lot of work. So naturally some things have to fall to the wayside, and for us, it ended up being date nights. Especially when we added a second kid (hey V!) to the mix. As an effort to get back into some one-on-one time with each other, Kyle and I thought up a huge list of ‘dates’ we could do at home. Thus Date Night at Home was born. We wrote all of our ideas on popsicle sticks and placed them in a jar. When we’re feeling in need of a date we pick out a stick during the beginning of the week which leaves enough time to prep for a Saturday or Friday night date.

With the holidays we added in some festive selections. We bought a Ginger Bread Village Kit for this date night. A total of 7 dollars was spent on this date. That night we put the kids to bed, blasted some Christmas music,  poured some wine (I was pregnant at the time of this date, so I opted for some glorified grape juice) and let the ginger bread house decorating competition begin! And yes, yes it must be a competition because crushing your spouse in a mini house decorating contest is hysterical.

For your own Ginger Bread House Date Night you’ll need:

  • Ginger Bread Kit
  • Drinks of choice
  • Music
  • Additional candies if you wanna be super cool, we added in shredded coconut, Nerds, and mini chocolate chips…basically all the baking things we had on hand. Minus the Nerds, those were leftover from Halloween.


  1. Put kids to bed
  2. Turn on music
  3. Pour drinks
  4. Smack talk your partner about who will win said decorating contest
  5. Assemble and decorate houses
  6. Laugh a lot, drink some more, and sneak candy
  7. Go to bed at 9:30 because you’re still raising two babies and you’re tired as fuck



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Date Night at Home: Build a Terrarium

DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night!

Hubby and I had fallen into a nighttime rut. It consisted of putting Emmie to bed and then going to our respective electronic devices to play games, read blogs, and browse the internet.  With baby #2 on the way we both felt we needed to spend more quality time together, sans electronic devices, but we didn’t have the energy, or money, to hire a sitter every weekend for your average “date night.” We looked into subscribing to a “date in a box” type service but being the crafty DIYers that we are, decided that we could come up with our own versions of date nights that could be done at home after the kids are in bed. And so, our At Home Date Night series was born.

I rounded up some ideas, wrote them on some big Popsicle sticks and placed them in a jar. Each Monday we pick out a Popsicle stick so that we have the week to prepare anything needed for an “at home date night.”  Our first date night in this series was “build a terrarium.” Building a terrarium was something both my husband and I had wanted to do for a long time. It was the perfect date night for the long weekend. We spent Friday evening rounding up our supplies. On Saturday we tucked Emerson into bed, put on some music, poured some wine (well, juice for me) and built our terrariums.  We had such a blast and it felt great to be doing something with each other rather than spending the evening zoning out in front of the TV or computer.

Having date night at home hasn't been easier. A fun, easy way to date your spouse without leaving the house!

Here’s how you can create your own DIY terrarium date night!

Gather your supplies:

Terrarium Container: Glass jars, vases or bowls work well for terrarium containers. You can decide if you want your terrarium to be an open container or a closed container; both work well.

Plants: Gather plants that have the same needs. You shouldn’t mix plants that require different levels of water or light. Succulents do well in open terrariums, but look for other plants if you’re aiming for a closed terrarium. Grab a bag of sheet moss for covering up the open spaces between plants, which helps the plants retain the right level of moisture.

Rocks: You’ll need some type of rock so that you’ll have a nice drainage layer. We chose some river rocks as our big drainage layer, and then layered some aquarium pebbles on-top of that.

Activated Charcoal: Activated charcoal can be found in pet stores with the fish supplies. This helps filter your terrarium to keep it clean and your plants healthy & happy.

Dirt: Choose a high quality potting soil.

DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night! DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night! DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night!

   Build your terrarium:

Step 1: Set up your draining layer, aiming for the biggest rocks on the very bottom and smaller rocks on top, about 1″ total. Add a layer of activated charcoal about 0.5″ deep to finish it off.

Step 2: Put in roughly 1-2″ of potting soil

Step 3: Arrange plants in your terrarium container, filling in spaces with more soil as you go

Step 4: Add moss on top of any open dirt, surrounding the plants

Step 5: Add enough water to moisten the soil, then admire your new terrarium!

DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night! DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night! terranium-9DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night!DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night!DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night! DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night!DIY Terrarium for an at home date night. Create these easy terrariums once the kids are in bed for an at home Date Night!

Keep following along so that you’ll never miss a new At Home Date Night. 

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Letter to my Husband

Dear Husband:
I have so many words for you tucked away in my heart. Some are tucked away for good, and some are just waiting for the right moment to dazzle you with their substance. You’re not a sappy person-you make sure your emotions never sit too close to the surface, and you keep your internal monologues buried deep. I make up for your emotional elusiveness, since I tend to wear my emotions on my sleeve. When I’m stressed or sad I like to cry, or bawl, depending on the mood. My jaw juts out when I’m annoyed and I literally bounce around making up songs when I’m happy. We’re quite the pair you and I.
But for all those words I do say, there are some I don’t say enough. How grateful I am that you lift me up, that you encourage me to be a better person. How my heart feels like it’s going to explode out of my chest when I see you with Emerson. How all the little things you do for me flood me with appreciation. How I would do anything to make you feel better when you’re disappointed. How I want to hold you forever when you’re sad. How I want to parade you around and rattle off all you’ve accomplished so far, but would never dare to since you’d probably keel over with embarrassment… (PS I realize the irony here as I’m gushing about you over the world wide web, but ya know, I gotta do what I gotta do. Continue)

We met when we were so young, just kids ourselves, trying to navigate the strange world that is teenage acne and kissing with tongue. What started out as such an innocent friendship became something so much grander. See, in those timid teenage years we did something so important. We started building the foundation to the relationship we have now.
You were, and continue to be, my best friend and our friendship has only grown stronger as time moves on. I so desperately want you to know just how much I loved you then, and how much I love you now, but most importantly that I’ll never stop loving you. It is an honor to be your wife.

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