Last weekend we welcomed my in-laws down for an amazing vacation. We spent a good majority of the time playing in the water, either jumping the waves of the Gulf or splashing in the resort’s amazing pool. Emmie was spoiled with attention, ice cream and lot’s of snuggles. There’s nothing like a weekend with family to fill your heart with love, gratitude and relaxation.
Beach Baby
With our upcoming move to Florida, and the rapidly rising temperatures, I’ve been on the lookout for the cutest one-piece swimsuits and rashguard sets for Emerson. There’s something so classic and adorable about a toddler in a one-piece swimsuit. While Emerson’s one-piece swimsuits gets lots of use in our kiddie pool, if we’re headed to the beach/river and I know we’ll be exposed to the sun for extended periods of time, I much prefer to have the safety of the long sleeved rashguard.
For your convenience I’ve rounded up 7 of the cutest one-piece toddler swimwear and 6 of the most adorable toddler rash-guard sets. How cute is that ice-cream one-piece from Tucker & Tate? And see that minty striped rash guard set? I picked that one up from Target for Emmie already! We’re comin’ for you Florida, and you better believe we’ll be decked out in the cutest swimwear.