Here it is my darling Vera, your first birthday. It’s surreal that exactly one year ago today, I was laboring quietly on a birthing ball, or in your father’s arms. Joking with the doctor as my contractions picked up, “You better finish up whatever you’ve got going on Doc, because I’m going to call you back in 45 minutes to have this baby.” We all laughed aloud but just a little over an hour later you were placed on my belly, with your pudgy back rolls and your extra long baby toes.
And then, just like that, you were 6 months old. A well-traveled infant having gone to Europe at a mere 3 months old. Your jaundice finally subsided, your newborn features completely disappeared, and that awful case of cradle cap was fully gone. Now you were bright eyed, curious, and already on the move! You did the funniest one arm scoot across the floors with impressive speed. You were sitting, rolling over and pulling yourself up on your crib, the couch, and even the dog! You had a sedated CT scan to check the tumor in your lung, which turned out to be gone! You nursed like crazy both day & night and would scream if we tried any sort of bottle.
Then, I whisked you away to Rhode Island for a month where you learned to crawl on your hands and knees. You started eating more and more food, and were the definition of a horrible sleeper. You only slept right by my side so you could nurse at your every whim and fancy. When we were back in Florida we tried to sleep train you, only to have you get sick the day after you slept through the night for the first time ever. We have struggled ever since to sleep train you successfully again.
You started to walk, you started to babble, “Mamama ma” without any intention behind the words, but still exciting nonetheless. Soon you started nursing less and eating more during the day. Emerson started school and I finally got some one on one time with you and have cherished our days together. I feel like it was finally around 9 months or so, when Emmie went to preschool, that I got a chance to see who you really are, without the boss-lady bossing us around.
And then I must have blinked again because here we are. Your birthday. I have soaked up every second of your first year, Vera, and hope to continue to soak in the sweetness in your eyes, the joy in your giggles, and the love in your snuggles. Happy first birthday my love. May you continue to grow into a fun, charming, and smart young lady.
With all my love,