One of our staples is Rice and Beans. This recipe fills you up and doesn’t break the bank. It’s super easy to prepare, especially when utilizing a rice cooker. It’s a great base recipe and spicing it up, or mixing up the flavors, is a breeze.
Here’s our typical go to Rice and Beans:
1.5 cups brown jasmine rice
1 can of black beans
1 small red onion diced
2 cloves minced garlic
fresh cilantro
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp smoked paprika
salt & pepper to taste
squeeze of fresh lime
fresh green onion
1. Cook rice following directions on the back of the package. We use a rice cooker and it’s amazing. I add water & rice, press a button, and viola! Rice is done in 20 minutes.
2. While rice cooks throw some olive oil in a large skillet/ wok and saute garlic and onions until browned/ slightly blackened. I like to cook over high heat to really sear the onions without making them too soft.
3. Rinse the black beans and add them to the onions.
4. Add spices and mix well.
5. Add cooked rice into bean skillet and mix until rice is evenly spiced.
6. Add a squeeze of lime juice, fresh green onion and fresh cilantro.
Serve and enjoy!
Some other favorite add-ins for our rice and beans:
- Pineapple/mango, almonds & some cinnamon for more of a Jamaican jerk style rice& beans
- Andouille sausage (for me), green pepper, red pepper flakes & cayenne pepper for New Orleans style dish