On the Horizon

An alternate titles to this post were:

A. Help! My ten month old thinks she’s a toddler!!
B. Toilet paper, tantrums and sippy cup meltdowns

Any idea where this post is headed yet? Oh that’s right, we’ve got a baby diva on our hands this week. A top tooth is right there. A big ‘ole top tooth is on our horizon. The gum is starting to part and another day or two and that sucker will be O.U.T… phew. We are in full blown teething hell.

In other fun news, my ten month old thinks she’s a toddler. Who can blame her, she just wants to keep up with the big kids. Now that she’s walking, she feels her attitude should match her swagger. And boy, oh boy,  does she have a lot of swagger.
Two minutes setting up lunch? Two minutes of Baby-Destructor! Emerson discovered the toilet paper roll. (Also, note to self, clean the bathroom WAY more frequently now that these chubby hands touch everything. *shudder*) I came back from the dining room to half the roll of TP on the floor. She didn’t notice me at first, so naturally I grabbed the camera, snapped a few pictures and said, “Emerson? What have you discovered?” Lens focused, zoomed in, face centered and in 3,2,1. SNAP. Guilty as charged.

Other moments of hilarity that have ensued due to our teething hell this week include:

  • Rolling around on the floor in a sippy cup tantrum. 
  • Getting mad that you can’t walk over the dog. It causes you to fall and cry. 
  • Getting mad that you can’t push over the gate so you fall down and cry. 
  • Getting told not to throw food off your table, so you get mad and cry. 
  • Being a baby? Get mad and cry. 
  • Having to wear a diaper? Get mad and cry. 
  • Nap-time? Get furious and scream. 

Oh yes, oh yes, this momma needs more coffee. And a nap.

As her guardian, care-giver, and loving mother, I try to keep my calm. Yet, some days by the time 6 o’ clock rolls around I am watching the seconds tick away just waiting, waiting for Kyle to come home and hand off the demon-teether to Daddy. Wine is usually involved after the hand-off process. It’s like the glorious prize of surviving another day with a teething-ten-month-wanna-be-toddler.

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As an adult, I feel we all have a tendency to get wrapped up in the mundane day to day tasks. Having a child is such a jarring life event. All of a sudden day to day becomes monumental. Such intuitive movements need to be learned; such inherent ideas need to be discovered. Sure, I see dandelions all the time, but you know what? I never stopped to really discover them. 

Emerson teaches me time and time again, that it’s okay to slow down.  That it’s quite alright to sit and examine dandelions to our hearts content. Taking time in our busy days to appreciate something so seemingly simple as sunshine, dandelions and the breeze. We’re surrounded by complexities every where we turn. All these hidden gems have just been around us so frequently that they start to lose their brilliance with our climbing years. Why is the sun not so fascinating after all these years? 
It should be.  
It is. 
There’s nothing I love more than being reminded of how remarkable the world we live in truly is. Emmie certainly has a way of bringing wonderment back to the lackluster phenomenons that engulf our day to day lives. 
For this, I am forever grateful. 

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Ah, the blissful quiet of nap-time. Nap time with a newborn was way different than what our nap-time currently looks like. With a newborn it was a slow, methodological process of shushing, swaddling, swaying… or sometimes the quirky, “that can’t be comfortable,” car-seat nap.  I mean naps happened in arms, on chests, in wraps and cars, in strollers, stores and restaurants… gosh, now that I’m remembering tiny babies can nap freakin’ any where! 
I miss those days. Now, naps have a certain schedule. A 20 minute window of perfect timing where bottles are had, books are read and eyes close not too soon after. Come anytime before or after that magical 20 minute window and naps are solitary playtime with you and 5 pacifiers- for an hour. But don’t worry by 30 minutes in, you’ll have tossed everything out and when you scream long enough and loud enough, Mom will come to the rescue and put all your Paci’s back in. And eventually after some more howling, rolling, standing and falling down you’ll drift off to sleep with one lone paci.
* * * * * * * * * 
Yes, I think it’s safe to say this is one of my favorite things about naptime: my coffee. More specifically my morning, I can’t believe I wake up this early every day now, coffee. 3 ice cubes, a smidge of milk and cool straw. Cool straw is not optional. 

Yup. Definitely a favorite part of nap-time because once this coffee is gone it’s onto the mad-dash. Blogging, brainstorming and researching for my new business ideas (I am certainly my Father’s daughter. ) dishes, laundry, snacking, lunch prep, oh and can’t forget those pesky meds! …And is my hair too greasy that it’ll look awful if I just braid it? Nope! Braid it is…thank goodness because I’m not even sure there was time to showe—*monitor blinks on.* 
And just like that, naptime is over. Okay okay, this is probably my second favorite part of naptime. I mean, how could it not be? 

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Phone Life

I take so many pictures on my phone. And while they may not be the best quality, there are some of my favorite moments captured. From tiny pig-tails, muddy socks and park outings; here is our life lately, according to my phone:

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Spring Adventures

May has arrived and with it, glorious weather. We’re talking  70’s to low 80’s, blue skies, sunshine and perhaps the odd thunderstorm. My car has a nice thick layer of pollen and the bee’s are back trying to hive in our porch chairs. Ah, yes, spring is here! 
We’ve been spending our spring afternoons exploring new places! We’ve gone to a nature trail, and went hiking with some friends. Emerson and I explored a park covered in brightly colored tulips. It had lots of shade, and lots of color! 

We visited another park in the city, not too far from where we live, that we had never been to before. To park at this park was quite the adventure. We drove around what I assumed would be the ‘block,’ but turns out I drove about 6 blocks! At least I knew where I was when I popped out on a main street. 

 Never the less, all of our park exploring has been great. We’ve driven around so many new and wonderfully rich in history, and if we’re being honest -monetarily rich, neighborhoods, that it made me realize there is so much to Baltimore that I don’t even know yet! Also, I have confirmed my hunch that I just love houses. There have been an abundance of  gorgeous historic houses around the areas we were driving. I could have walked around for hours just admiring them all! 

 Oliver has been on a few adventures with us, using his car harness that my Grandpa Jack gifted us. It’s come in quite handy when driving with both baby and dog. Having Oliver strapped in safely in his harness has been such an anxiety reducer. Gone are the days of him bouncing around like a crazy man, now he’s more or less forced encouraged to sit calmly and stick his face out the window. 

We’ve been having a blast soaking up our sunshine, having picnics and spending lots of our time outside. We’ve all been pretty happy campers round here. 

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10 Months


When you were first born, it took quite a while until the days started to blur together. As you grew and grew it was suddenly no longer days that blended together, but weeks. And then to my surprise, months. So here we are again another month older, another month taller, another month smarter.

One thing that remains constant is the pure joy of watching you discover the world. Watching your personality develop. Watching you digest the information around you, and filing it all away in your ever growing brain.

At ten months old you’ve begun walking more and more. You grow more confident in your steps every day. You are squatting like a pro, and you still like to steal the dog’s toys. You feel very passionate about us leaving the room, and you enjoy clinging to a pant leg while we’re trying to make lunch, or make you a bottle.

Window watching is still a favorite and we’ve begun to explore the outdoors with the warmer spring weather. You’ve begun to finally babble, and while your sounds are limited, their cuteness knows no bounds.

This month, you’ve also started signing back to us! You will vaguely sign, “all done,” when you’re through eating. You throw both little hands up and break out in a goofy grin as if to say, “look Mom! I know what this means, aren’t you proud of me!?” to which the answer is always yes.

Your nighttime sleep has been interrupted by what we are assuming are your top teeth coming through. You’ve been a tad crankier, restless and have sprung light fevers the last week or so. Luckily I’ve also taught you how to “snuggle” on command. Naps and nighttime are so much more cuddly now. After story and formula milk, we “snuggle,” where you’ll smoosh your face deep into my shoulder usually making a soft “hmmm” sound.

This month you’ve developed a love of rough housing. One of your favorite games is being “pushed” over. It’s especially funny to you when we play “push the baby” on the big squishy bed. Hilarity and giggling fits usually ensue.

Your fine hair is getting even longer. It now hangs right in your eyes. We try to keep a bow or headband on to control the crazy do. Just recently we’ve begun putting in little ‘whale spouts,’ or ‘unicorn horns,’ as your Daddy would say.

As always we look forward to the next month, bringing you closer and closer to your first birthday. My little ladybug, you are growing so quickly before my eyes. I already feel like I’ve forgotten how tiny your body used to be in my arms. Don’t grow up too quickly now.


Your Momma

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Heavy Hearts

Yesterday our Mayor declared a “State of Emergency.” Yesterday, the National Guard was called in. Yesterday fires were started, windows and cars smashed. Buildings destroyed and looted. Loved ones were hurt, and community leaders rose up for peace. To all our family and friends, we wanted to let you know that we are safe. We tucked our little baby into her bed, and played classical music to dull the helicopters, sirens and our own trepidation. We have heavy hearts, but we’re safe.

Yesterday the city was filled with sadness, pain, and anger. A family had to say goodbye and bury their son, and a community was hurting. I can’t even begin to imagine the emotions they needed to process. I can’t even begin to imagine the hurt, pain, and suffering these people have gone through. My heart was heavy hearing the updates yesterday. Peaceful protests, turned riots. Children with so much hurt, so much anger, that they felt it necessary to cause more pain, chaos and suffering because they felt it was the only way to be heard.Yes, my heart was indeed heavy.

It aches knowing all of those young men and women -those adolescents- they were babies once. Much like the little girl I snuggle every night, they were babies once. They have mothers. Like all mothers, we want better for our children. We don’t want to see them struggle, we don’t want them to feel pain, suffering and live in a world of hate. We want a better world for them than we had for ourselves.

I can only believe it starts with our children. All children. We have a duty to them, to teach them what is good and what is right. We have a duty to instill hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. We need to fill them with kindness until they burst. We need them to learn empathy, and compassion for those different than ourselves. To see people instead of race, optimism in place of pessimism, and to love instead of hate. As adults, it starts with us. We need to strive to be better for our children, so this world becomes a better place. It starts with us, and it starts with our children. It starts with our babies for they are our future. In the words of a great man:

 Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood. Now is the time to make justice a reality for all of God’s children.” 
-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have A Dream”

Yes, my heart is heavy for the mothers of those children. My heart is heavy for those families in the communities affected. My heart is heavy for the place my child calls her home. Our home. My heart is heavy indeed.

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Phone Life

Sometimes you just can’t remember to bring the camera everywhere, or a moment pops up where the closest way to capture a moment is with your phone. It’s hard these days to get a decent phone picture of Emmie, as she is constantly on the move. Never the less, I find these blurry, motion heavy photos to be a sweet reminder of how hectic our life truly can be.

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Hi Spring, Nice to Meet You.

Spring has finally sprung! Yellow daffodils have opened their cheery little faces, and colorful purple crocuses are speckling the green lawns! The air smells sweet and the wind is warm. Yes, spring is here.

We took advantage of one of these lovely sun filled spring days by taking Emerson and her Grammy to the park. We went on a nice stroller ride/walk and then decided to let Emma try the baby swing for the first time.

At first she was indifferent, concentrating too much on the other kids in the playground and working hard to process all the different sounds and sights that were occurring. But when Grammy tried to grab her hands she really got into it, letting out big belly laughs.

After swinging we decided to let her explore a new texture; grass! She was not having any of it. She tentatively leaned over as if to crawl, and instead of putting her hands down she placed her elbows on the grass and held her hands up in the air.

Next, she looked at us in sheer horror as she realized she can’t crawl unless she touches the grass so
 she told us that it wasn’t going to happen. Walking in socks was the closest thing she got to touching the grass. Guess she has quite the motivation to start walking!



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A Girl and Her Pup

A while back I had posted about Emerson and Oliver’s relationship. It’s still growing and blossoming. It’s quite amazing to watch the bond between these two develop. At this stage, they’re best buds, but mainly because they like all the same things.

Favorite activities of both dog and child include, but are not limited to, staring out the window, staring out the front door, chewing on dog toys, chasing after balls, getting into the bathroom trash and crawling under the kitchen table.

They make quite the pair. We can already tell these two are going to be trouble. Sometimes we catch Emmie sneaking pieces of her breakfast, lunch and even dinner over the side to a waiting, salivating Oliver.

There’s certainly nothing like seeing Emerson get so excited when Oliver jumps up onto the couch to window watch with her. Or when Oliver does his classic, “drive by kiss,” and Emerson turns her head and puts her hands up. Although, yesterday she accepted kisses open mouth and all. Blegh.

Oliver takes it all in stride. His fur has been pulled, his paws have been “eaten”, his toys have been stolen and he’s literally been crawled over… and he offers her nothing but love. He surrenders his heart and his toys no matter the situation. He’s such a good boy with Emerson and he’s been making us proud!

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