A Big Bum

After cloth diapering for two years as a nanny, I knew it was for me. I loved it. It was just as easy as disposables, but so much better for the environment. Even if the environment wasn’t a factor, my charge never got diaper rashes in his cloth diapers, but would frequently get rashes in his disposables. Cloth diapers just looked more comfortable, and it had the added perk of being chemical free!
1. Prep 2. Lift 3. WOAH 4. Did you see mama? I almost rolled over!

When I exclaimed to my husband that we should definitely cloth diaper, I was bracing for negativity, but was met with equal excitement. He was on board! We put a few cloth diapers on our registry and ended up with 3 total. 

When Emerson was born, at just a mere 6lbs, I knew it’d be a while until she fit into her big cloth diapers. I ended up ordering some newborn cloth diapers from a site in China. A week or so later my gal was decked out in her cute newborn cloth diapers. The newborns were a little tricky since my little lady had super skinny legs and a big ol’ belly… we did have some leaking issues until we discovered a little trick of twisting the Velcro to tighten the leg.

But now that Emerson has “bulked up” to a whopping 10 – almost 11- pounds, she fits in the ‘all in one’ sized diapers! I purchased 3 at the same time I purchased the newborn diapers to try out the brand – they were 4x cheaper than the brand name bumgenius ones, so if they worked, I planned on stocking up. 

They worked just fine, so I went back to the site a couple days later and stocked up. For the price of two boxes of disposables, I order enough diapers to do diaper laundry once every 4 or 5 days, and these should last until she’s potty trained. I believe I told Kyle “There’s good news and bad news. The good news is, the diapers came in! The bad news is, I totally went overboard and we now have a TON of diapers, but more good news, I don’t have to do laundry everyday now!”

about 2/3rds of the “stash”

I’m so happy with our decision to cloth diaper. I know it’s not for everyone, but it’s worked out really well for us so far.  The fact that it’s better for her bum, and we aren’t generating diaper waste for the landfill, are just bonus… And I mean, c’mon, look at this girl and her big squishy cloth bum, does it get any cuter?! 

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Love the little things

Right now some of the little things you do, Emmie, are the cutest. You are really quite wiggly! If you’re having awake time, and you’ve napped well so you’re happy, you just won’t stop moving. You move your arms, and you move your legs, you move your head from side to side to look all around. One of my favorite movements is where you’re arms are flailing around and you end up smacking your own belly with, usually, a flat palm. That certainly cracks me up everytime. I’m not sure if it’s the look of sheer surprise on your face, or the little hallow “thump” sound your belly makes, but either way I’m loving it.

You want me to sit still for a picture?

You’re making more sounds now and I love that as well. You are starting to grab things and pull them to your mouth. Another favorite of mine is when you grab my hand and pull it to your mouth to try to eat it.

Let’s not forget about those expressions that you’ve been mastering. You love using your eyebrows to communicate. Your little brows get quite the daily workout. It wouldn’t be complete without your little forehead wrinkles that you’ve inherited from your daddy.

How’s this? And this? Is this good? What about now?

Recently, since you’ve been so wiggly, burping you has become quite the challenge. I’ve developed the whole-arm hold where I place my whole forearm down your belly and let you sit on my hand, while my other hand tries to coax that air out. You wrap your little arms around my arm in a full body hug, and it makes me melt every. single. time.

Oh man Mom, you don’t have to hold me, I swear I was going to stay still for the next one!

You seem so big to me now. So independent, alert and interested in the world around you… and yet, I know, I’m going to miss you this small in just a matter of weeks! I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in the upcoming weeks and months. Keep on growing and learning, and I’ll keep on appreciating all the little things you do.

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Baby Fashion

Emerson is a lucky little lady. She has Grandparents (and Aunties) who like to spoil her by decking her out in the latest fashions. Her wardrobe is more stylish and more coordinated than my own. Sadly, I’m okay with that. What is it about clothes in a miniature scale that make them so undeniably cute? Alright, it may have something to do with the cutie who’s wearing them, but still, is there anything this little girl can’t make look good?

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3 Months.

* This post is about two weeks late! 

Dear Emerson,

It’s hard to believe that I’m writing your 3 Month letter already. It really seems like just yesterday you were this tiny blanket burrito in my arms at the hospital. 
This past month has been a wondrous one. You’ve really started sleeping well at night, and your naps are becoming more predictable throughout the day. You’ve perfected your gummy smile and you’re working very hard on your first true laugh. Every now and then we’ll get a little giggle, or a sharp inhalation of air like you’re gearing up to laugh but you just make a big “HAH” noise and leave it at that. 

You’re grabbing things, bringing them to your mouth, and want to explore everything around you. Your little neck must be so sore at night from straining to look around all day long. You are becoming quite your own little person. Your personality is starting to emerge. You’re usually pretty content unless your sleepy or hungry, and then watch out world, you will certainly let us know. 

You like to babble up a storm, and you love to drool. You make spit bubbles too. Daddy is much better about carrying around a little cloth wipe to wipe your mouth, but I just tend to let you drool on yourself until I think you’re uncomfortable, and then we have an outfit change. At least this way you’ll get to wear all those cute clothes Grandparents and Aunties have bought for you. 

You’re still swaddled at night, but I’m not sure how much longer that will continue. You’re pretty close to rolling over from your belly to your back, and you even did it once all by yourself. I’m worried that when we can’t swaddle you anymore your arms aren’t going to stop moving and you’ll just keep waking yourself up.

I think what I have loved most about this past month is the fact that your little personality is beginning to bloom. You have so many facial expressions and you use a ridiculous amount of eyebrow movement to communicate; I love that about you. I have a feeling we’re just getting a small glimpse into the animated girl you’ll become.

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A Dilemma

Fall is here, and with it are it’s germs. The cold weather brings viruses. I’m already feeling run down and junky. Having CF with a baby is tough. Where as usually I’d just hop into bed whenever I felt I needed a nap, I now have an infant who demands much of my attention for much of the day, and then some. When normally my appetite drops and I have to remind myself to eat, I’m finding that with an infant just finding time to eat is tough, and if I’m not hungry it doesn’t even cross my mind…
I’ve dropped some weight, which is scary so close to the winter season. I’ve been gathering my courage to call Clinic and get some oral antibiotics. I know it’s for the best but I get very sad when I think about what it means. It means for 2, maybe even 3 weeks, my baby and I can’t nurse. I’ll have to bottle feed her all the frozen milk stash and pump to keep my supply up.
I know my baby needs a healthy mama, but this mama is feeling a little selfish. I’ve never done antibiotics with a baby before. What if I only feel better for a few weeks and I need more? I’m not ready to be done nursing, but I know we can’t continue on with the way I’m feeling.
Parents are faced with hard decisions all the time when it comes to their children; formula or breastmilk, when are they old enough to walk to the bus stop by themselves, should we let them drive by themselves past 9pm? I think hard decisions are amplified in a household with CF, regardless of who it is who has the disease.
As a parent with CF, I have to make hard decisions, that are not only hard for my baby and husband but also for myself. I know they are the right decisions, it just doesn’t make them any easier to bear. I am so lucky to have so many amazing people in my life to help me through these tough decisions. I have a great CF clinic to support, encourage, and keep me on track. I have an irreplaceable man in my life who picks up all my slack and then some. I have a selfless neighbor who’s donating as much breastmilk as we need so that Emerson can continue to be 100% breastfed while I’m doing antibiotics. I have family who would fly down in a heartbeat if I needed them…
It’s all these people and more that make me so thankful that I don’t have to do this alone. I get choked up just thinking of all the love that is overflowing for our family. So thank you for your support while I take a couple of weeks to get back on track.

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We all had a great time on our trip up to Little Rhody. Emerson was a champ in the car. We left both times at night, around her bedtime, and each time she slept the whole way. Not a peep! Such a good girl.

Emerson had the chance to meet so many people while we were visiting. She handled all those visitors better than I did! She met all her Great-Aunts, Great-Grandparents, lots of our friends, and quite a few distant cousins at the big Whelan reunion. Of course she had lots of Grandma, Grandpa and Auntie snuggles from both sides of the family.

All in all, Emerson was immersed in nothing but love the whole time we were up in Rhode Island. She is quite the lucky lady to have so many people who love her so deeply. In fact, she even inherited a prized blankey among her travels. 

The blanket, which started out as Luke’s, was passed on to his little sister Ella, and it was then decided to be passed onto Emerson! She is already smitten with the blanket and all it’s colorful ribbons. She works very hard to try to chomp on those ribbons, but they hardly ever actually reach her mouth. Who knows, maybe in a few years Emerson will be passing the prized blankey down to her younger sibling… maybe. 😉

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She’s just a wee insomniac

Here we are, another week has flown by.


Can you believe that my little peanut is 11 weeks old already? I surely cannot!

For a while Emerson had been sleeping like a champ. She’d go down between 9 and 10 and sleep until between 4and 5:30, up to eat, then back down for another 3 hour stretch. It was fantastic!

However these past few days she’s been back to waking up at 2, then 4, then 6:30/7. Just when we think we see some sort of schedule emerge she throws us for a loop. Kyle still does any feed before 5 am so I can log some much needed continuous sleep, so while I might be “well rested” he’s awfully tired.
I’m about 80% sure that her regression of sleep at night is linked to her poor naps. Lately she had been taking a few cat naps instead of a few long naps. She’s just exhausted and it makes it harder to sleep well at night. I’m hoping for some good naps soon! They are desperately needed by both Momma and Baby.

The good news in all this sleep nonsense is that it can’t last forever ( unless she’s inherited her father’s insomnia and then I’ll have to bite my tongue!) Emerson will eventually figure out how to sleep for longer stretches and until then I’ll just have to keep telling my husband how much I love him!! Keep up the good nighttime work honey! 😉

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Sunday Funday!

This past weekend Emerson declared it was going to be “Sunday-Funday!” What is involved in Sunday-Funday, you ask? Well, she decided it would be a blast to only nap in short 15 – 20 minute bursts and then stay awake ALL day. 
She slept and ate well the night before, so it’s a mystery as to why she decided to rebel against all normalcy. At least Kyle was home to share the brunt of the work: Rocking, shushing, mamaroo-ing, swaddling and re-swaddling. 

In the end she napped on and off in these short bursts. She’d wake up a tad happier, but it always was quick to turn into anger. This pattern could mean one of two things for the night: Emerson would either sleep for a good solid chunk – maybe stretching closer to her longest 6 hour stretches — or she’d sleep in 20 minute bursts and it was going to be one hell of a long night. . . 

We managed to get her to sleep during an episode of Doctor Who. Kyle managed this spectacular feat with what we like to call the “Vacuum maneuver” performed with the rock n play. Since it slides so nicely on carpet, we pretend that it’s a vacuum and push her around in an almost “M” like shape. She fell asleep around 8:30ish. 
We went to bed around 11. I went to bed thinking, “Any second now, she’ll wake up wanting to be fed… we’d be lucky to make it to midnight, maybe 1:30 if she’s feeling generous.”

Well I’ll be a monkey’s uncle, this girl slept until 4am. That’s right folks, she slept for seven and a half glorious consecutive hours. Granted, I was constantly waking up and checking the monitor because I was “SURE” she was about to wake up at any second… 

Kyle gave her a bottle and back down she went. I was up at 7 when she started to fuss, so I snuck  in and fed her while she settled and went back to snoozing. She woke up a little after 8:30. 

Let’s hope we can repeat this nighttime performance, but keeping some daytime naps!

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Two Months

Dear Emerson Claire,

You have rapidly entered the second month of your life. I still cannot believe how quickly you’ve grown, and continue to grow each and every day. Your second month of life started off a bit rough, as we had to take you to get your 2 month shots. It’s safe to say week 8 was a tough week. You were cranky, tired and hard to soothe.

Thankfully week 9 has turned things around. We’re seeing more and more of your happy, calm, alert self. Don’t get me wrong, we’re still having some evening where the Mamaroo has proven its worth over and over again, but for the most part you’re back to being an easy baby.

One of your favorite things is to sit up and watch the world. You particularly enjoy being outdoors. You’ll hold your head up nice and high, taking in the surrounding as long as your neck muscles allow. I must say, you’re head control is getting better and better every day. It sometimes surprises me how long you can hold your head up by yourself. During tummy time you’re starting to push up more on your hands to lift your head even higher– just so you can look around even more.  You still like to scoot around with this semi-army crawl; something the pediatrician says is both exciting to see so early on, but also terrifying (since it most likely means you’ll be a quick learner of crawling/walking).

I’ve started giving you a bath towards the end of the day since you’ve acquired a new skill of drooling. You’re exploring new movements of your mouth, one of which involves repeatedly sticking your tongue in and out of your mouth. You’ll suck on your hands and you’ve figured out how to produce spit bubbles. Needless to say you get quite slobbery towards the evening. I’m also hoping the nice calm bath with help make bedtime easier over time.

You enjoy being in the water now. Before it was just a big cry fest! I’m also figuring out what keeps you calmer in the tub. That’s one of the things- you’re in the big tub already! You love lounging on your tub cushion since it holds lots of warm water in it so it keeps you pretty toasty. In fact, the last two times I put you in the tub you proceeded to give me a wild grin! I’ve noticed that if the water is too cool you are not a happy camper. Sometimes you’ll even kick the water with your feet.

You and I have been busy during the week while Daddy is at work. We go walking on Fridays with our Summer 2014 babies group, we go to our breastfeeding club on Thursdays, and we’ve been getting together with our birthing classmates during the week as well. Don’t forget that we also run errands! I couldn’t think of a better sidekick to have while running errands and doing chores.

Well my little Claire-bear, everyday you look less and less like a generic newborn and more like Emerson… Every day a little more of your personality shines through as well. We’ve been having so much fun watching you grow and learn. Being your Momma rocks.

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Just go to sleep!

Emerson got her two month check up this past Wednesday. She weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz. She’s 21.5 inches long now, and she still has a big ‘ole noggin. This was the appointment I was dreading! She had to get 8 vaccines; granted, some were combined into the same shot, but it still totaled one oral vaccine and 3 separate shots. Ever since, we’ve had a fussy, cranky, “I hate to sleep”, baby. 
Baby that we have

Baby that I miss

Oh, sleeping child, how I miss thee!
Grandma and Grandpa Overdeep had come down this weekend for a visit, and Emerson did nothing but squirm, cry and fuss. There was one twenty minute period of a happy baby complete with lots of smiles and coo’s, but that was about it! It was exhausting. 

Again, I miss you sleepy head.
After about 4 hours of Kyle trying to put her down to sleep – and 4 hours of me blocking my ears trying to catch some ZZ’s I pleaded with him: 

Happy Baby! (Picture not from this week)

“We just need to go get the mamaroo. It has all those different motions. At this point I’d buy anything to get her to go to sleep. It’s like 300 bucks, but I have a coupon, and I think we just need to go get it. Right now.”

She’s so cute when she’s not screaming!
We talked about it for another 5 or so minutes and decided worse case scenario, we can just return it. At this point, we were the desperate first time parents willing to buy anything and everything that claims it’ll help your baby sleep! The exact parents I had mocked when making our registry. Oh, don’t mind me as a I crawl under this rock here… On the plus side, we got ready to go in under 3 minutes! 
Emerson had finally fallen asleep when we got to the store (about 40 minutes before they closed) so we decided to take advantage and do a super quick grocery store run while we were out. We went to two stores, loaded up on groceries, and were headed home all within an hour. 

Kyle set up the mamaroo while I fed her one last time. –She had woken up as we were checking out of the grocery store. She settled into the rocking motion, and just like that, out like a light. She proceeded to sleep for about 6 hours. One of her longest stretches. She gobbled up a 4.5 oz bottle at 5am, and then went back to sleep until 8:30. Best two hundred and something bucks we ever spent. The mamaroo was later deemed a gift from Grandma and Grandpa Overdeep, which we can’t thank them enough for. 

MamaRoo in all it’s glory
So here’s to outrageously expensive baby equipment, and the willingness to do anything for a few hours of sleep.

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