25 Weeks

How far along? 25 weeks – only 15 more to go!
Total weight gain/loss: Total gain of only 10 lbs so far. Had a long chat with my nutritionists at my last visit. I’m just not eating enough calories. I need at least 3500 calories if not more, depending on activity level and health.  Currently I’ve had a good eating day if I hit 2500. Little ninja will obviously take what she needs from me, but we don’t want me wasting away in the process! I’ve been trying very hard to up my calorie intake, but it’s proving pretty difficult. Eating when you’re not hungry is stressful. 
Maternity clothes?  This lovely ensemble is all non-maternity. My pair of “big jeans” held together via hair elastic and a Target clearance tee in a few sizes up. 
Stretch marks? Nope
Sleep: My tailbone is starting to feel better so I’m finally sleeping through the night again! Glorious sleep. 
Best moment this week: Getting outside for some exercise and vitamin D since we’ve hit the 60’s the last few days!
Miss Anything? 
Movement: I’m feeling less kicks and more wiggles these days. As she gets bigger I can really feel her rolling around. 
Food Cravings: No real food cravings this week. 

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing really comes to mind. Now if this darn tailbone would just heal all the way I’d be a happy camper. 
Gender: I bought the cutest pair of mint polkadotted pants for little miss, so she better still be a she! 
Labor signs: Negative
Belly button in or out? It’s visible through my shirts now. I think I might officially declare it an outie. 

Happy or moody most of the time? I’ve been loving the warmer weather, but had one emotional day when I was feeling down about not gaining weight. It’s just stressful to have a nutritionist talk at you about how to boost your caloric intake when you’ve heard it all your life, and you know it by heart, but you just aren’t hungry. 
Looking forward to: Sister-in-law is swinging by for a quick lunch visit while she’s in town for work! I’m also looking forward to my Friday ultrasound as it’s always reassuring and fun to see my little girl wiggling away on the screen!

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