Emmie asked for a Mohawk. |
We’ve had a good week this week. Emerson had her 1 month check up — she’s doing great. Officially 7.5lbs! I also had my pulmonary clinic and I’m doing pretty well too; PFT’s were stable at 80%, weight is still 3lbs higher than pre-pregnancy, and overall we have a good plan for inhaled antibiotics to hopefully help me meet my 6 month exclusive breastfeeding goal.
Meeting Auntie Meghan for the first time |
Over the weekend Meghan came to visit, and Emerson warmed right up to her Auntie in no time. The weekend was filled with lots of baby snuggles. Emerson even enjoyed having a bath for the first time — usually she cries and fusses, but with Auntie Meghan helping she was cool as a cucumber.
Afternoon snooze with Mom |
Emerson sleeps in her Rock-n-Play at night, but I’ve been worried about transitioning her to the crib. Knowing that she sleeps at an incline I’m afraid the transition to the flat crib will be tough. So, in order to hopefully avoid a hard transition, I’ve begun putting her in her crib for naps. I walk with her until she gets her ‘sleepy eyes’ and then pop her in still awake. She’ll fuss and roll side to side for a few minutes, but the past few naps she’s been able to put herself to sleep in her crib. She doesn’t sleep as soundly there yet, but it’s good progress. She also never sleeps on her back. I always put her on her back and within seconds she’s rolled to her side.
Mohawk baby! |
Yesterday was the first day I saw a social smile from Emerson! It was the cutest, gummiest smile you ever did see. It was in the morning and I was asking her if she would like to smile for me, when she did! And then she did it again! It was the best. Amazing how little things like a smile, that normally people would take for granted because it’s seemingly so simple, can be a truly amazing feat. This morning we got another morning smile. I have yet to really see any during the day, but after a night full of gassiness (on Emmie’s behalf), lots of fussiness, and lack of sleep – a morning smile makes it all worth it.
Look at that strawberry blonde hair! |
Emerson’s hair is starting to thin out in the front a little. I’m not sure if it’s because her hair is turning lighter, or if it’s actually falling out, but either way she has about half strawberry blonde/light brown hair and half super duper blonde – as in white, you can barely even see, hair. I’m curious to see what color it decides to be. Oh, don’t worry the mullet is still nice and thick. Her eyes are still as blue as ever, but occasionally they look a little violet or grey.
Learning to focus on toys |
Emerson has been having long chunks of awake time in which we work on our eye focus, smiling, and of course tummy time. With a big ‘ole Overdeep noggin she really needs to work out those muscles to hold that head full of brains up!
Tummy time with a ruffled butt. |
aww, i love that raffie onesie!
Thanks! That's one that I made years ago when I thought about opening up an Etsy shop. I knew it'd come in handy one day. haha