Those are some mighty cute chins you’ve got…

Emerson and I recently FaceTimed with Auntie Julie, who informed me, in the nicest way possible that the picture I am putting up of Emerson aren’t cute… 
“Auntie said what?!”

I laughed out loud because I knew exactly what she was talking about. It’s getting harder and harder to get a decent picture of this girl. Sometimes with an 8 month old who’d rather be licking the camera than smiling for it, you settle for the not so flattering pictures. “Sure, she’s showing off her 8 chins here, but they’re 8 cute chins… so publish!” I fear in this stage, this moving, crawling, bawling, falling over, teething, grumpy stage… cute pictures are going to be a rarity. No matter how flattering the angle, my baby is still always cute. Grump face and all!

Hopefully these pictures are more to your liking, Auntie Julie. 😉 
And one more for good measure:

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